About this site

This website is meant to show an overview of my skills, not only the ones which are related to my hobby (i.e. game programming), but also the ones related to my college (business related). Every now and then when I have some I spent some of my free time, trying my best to build games. I started with a 2d space-shooter long time ago and now I am trying to finish my 3d adventure game .

About me

Since almost 24 years ago, I have used several programming languages for different purposes. For example I have used C++ for developping games using the irrlicht engine & C# for developping web applications. I started experimenting with HTML, javascript and Java since I was in high school in 2001. Eventually after 4 years, since I was interested in programming I did two studies in software engineering. The first was at ICT-Academy In Leiden, where I also learned ICT & network related skills. The second was at The Hague University of Applied Sciences where I focussed completely on software engineering. During my studies I learned more languages and I also learned about other things that are involved during a software development process.