Welcome to JRahmati.NET. My name is Jafar, the owner of this website. I made this website to show my skills as a software engineer and I am using its subdomains to experiment with asp.net & asp.net core.

What you can expect here

Although I enjoy programming, I can't spend all my time on this website so I don't want to turn this into a blog website.

Initially I wanted to add some asp.net projects, but since I haven't done large projects outside of my job, I decided to use this site only to show some hobby projects to avoid wrong impressions about my personal profile. Additionally as a hobby and in order to show my interest in object oriented langagues I have used github in an attempt to create a transpiler. I don't know if I will create some more github projects in the future, but if you want you can follow me on github for upcoming stuff.

About me

Since almost 24 years ago, I have used several programming languages for different purposes. For example I have used C++ for developping games using the irrlicht engine & C# for developping web applications. Eventually since I was interested in programming I did two studies in software engineering were I learned more about the software development process.